Noya Huang

Taiwan Country Coordinator & Instructor

B.S., Social Science, Tamkang University of Taiwan
Certificate of Foreign Language Leader

Noya brings a wealth of experience from her time working with students in Taiwan, where she played a pivotal role in designing curriculum and teaching Taiwanese students how to work as English speaking guides. In her previous professional experiences, she has utilized innovative language immersion methods such as walking tours to help students interact with Taiwanese culture and engage firsthand with their developing language skills. Noya has helped students explore iconic landmarks throughout Taiwan and delve deeper into the intricacies of Taiwanese folk religions, uncovering the stories behind temples and sometimes hidden cultural traditions.

Noya’s multilingual abilities in Mandarin, Taiwanese, English, Japanese, and Spanish enable her to connect with students from various linguistic backgrounds, fostering inclusive learning environments. Beyond her professional endeavors, Noya is an enthusiast of physical activities, ranging from free diving and yoga to mountain climbing, reflecting her adventurous spirit and passion for exploration.

Drawing upon her interdisciplinary expertise and dynamic approach to experiential learning, Noya is poised to make a meaningful impact on Dragons students, guiding them toward a deeper understanding of culture, language, and global citizenship.