Employment Opportunities

Interested in joining our team?

Outreach & Recruitment Associate

We’re looking for someone who is enthusiastic about Dragons and wants to tell the world. The ideal candidate enjoys building relationships with strangers (i.e. you can spend 3 hours on the phone with strangers and still speak to your roommate when you get home), is organized, can multitask, loves planning, and isn’t afraid of a busy workload. This role will spend time traveling on the road visiting families and schools, as well as supporting the daily operations of our sales, marketing, partnership, and outreach efforts via remote office.

Dragons “Road Warrior” Position

We’re looking for 3-4 folks to hit the road between January – March 2025 to help recruit the next generation of Dragons students. This position, fondly referred to as “Road Warrioring” is not for the faint of heart! We’re looking for candidates who are ready to roll up their sleeves and tell the world about Dragons. The ideal candidate enjoys building relationships with strangers (i.e, you can spend 3 hours on the phone with strangers and still speak to your roommate when you get home), is organized, loves getting in front of crowds, and is motivated by hitting high benchmarks. This role spends time on the road (typically 4-6 weeks) visiting families and schools, and just about anything that puts the Road Warrior in front of a captive audience.

Dragons instructor

The caliber of our instructors is what differentiates our programs from all others. If you are considering working gap year or summer programs with Dragons, please read the links below. If your passion, experience, and qualifications are a match for Dragons, we would love to receive your application, including three required professional references. Please note that we prioritize instructors who are available to work both summer and semester courses. Most new hiring happens between January and April in anticipation of our busy summer and fall seasons. All Dragons employment offers are contingent upon background check results.

After applying for a position at Where There Be Dragons, we recommend that you add [email protected] to your email contact list to avoid emails going to your spam or junk folder.

Instructor Application

About Dragons

WTBD is a provider of immersive, educational travel programs. For decades we’ve offered an alternative to mainstream travel and tourism. Our approach is simple: work with the absolute best instructors, return to communities where we have long-lasting relationships, and run a limited number of programs to ensure every trip is thoughtful, responsible, and intentionally-crafted. Dragons is committed to socially responsible travel as a tool for breaking down barriers and enhancing understanding between people and communities around the world. As such, we strive to increase diversity, equity, and inclusivity within our community of administrative staff, field instructors, student body, and in-country partners. We acknowledge that the work of international and experiential education carries inherent imbalances with regard to issues of race, class, gender, privilege and power, and we aim to nurture a community of critical self-reflection and awareness of these themes and the way they impact our work.

Dragons is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). Qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, marital status, age, veterans’ status, disability, pregnancy or union activity.

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