Long Yun

China Instructor

B.A. Physical Education, Yunnan Normal University

Growing up in Kunming, Long Yun began studying Martial Arts when she was 6 years old. In 2006, Long Yun became a Martial Arts teacher for Dragons students, as well as groups of international students and Chinese youth interested in entering gong fu competitions. She has also served as a judge for Martial Arts competitions.

In 2010, Long Yun spent a year teaching Chinese and gong fu in northern Thailand, where she gained a rudimentary understanding of the language and culture. She has continued to dedicate her life to teaching and cares deeply about passing on her knowledge of Chinese culture and history to anyone who shares her passions. She remains incredibly excited about exploring new facets of Chinese culture with her students.

In her free-time, Long Yun enjoys yoga, pilates, biking, hiking and exploring new places and cultures. She also likes reading, writing, experimenting in the kitchen, and is gradually learning the art of baking.