Learning Service Tour

Bring the world into your classroom.

Claire Bennett, an author of the book Learning Service: The Essential Guide to Volunteer Travel and veteran Where There Be Dragons instructor, is touring the north east to introduce and train to the topic “How do we volunteer abroad—or serve—in a responsible way?

Learning Service offers a powerful new approach that invites volunteers to learn from host communities before trying to ‘help’ them. It’s also a thoughtful critique of the sinister side of volunteer travel; a guide for turning good intentions into effective results; and essential advice on how to make the most of your experience.

To learn more about Claire, read her Bio.

[The book Learning Service is] an extraordinary contribution…
a manifesto for doing good well.
– Noam Chomsky


 Offerings on Learning Service

Classroom Talk (1 hour): Volunteering is a good thing – right? In this dynamic talk, students explore the topics of service and global volunteering, through case studies from the field, and realize that good intentions don’t always lead to positive outcomes. We will introduce the concept of “learning service” and offer it as an antidote to some of these inherent challenges in volunteering abroad as we explore what appropriate opportunities look like and how you can find them.

Assembly Talk (1 hour): Claire Bennett, author of the book Learning Service: The Essential Guide to Volunteer Travel will share stories from life in Nepal and Cambodia. Starting out as an 18 year-old student with a wish to change the world, Claire soon began to observe that well-intentioned volunteers like herself don’t always achieve the outcome that they intend. In fact, sometimes they can do damage to the very people and causes they want to help. In this narrative Claire shares how she and a group of like-minded colleagues developed the idea of “learning service” to guide volunteers to make choices that align with their intention to have a positive impact in the world.

Student Workshop (2-6 hours): This workshop enables students to challenge and unpack their own assumptions and opinions about service and global volunteering. Through a series of thought exercises, roleplays, discussions and activities, students will be able to deconstruct previously-held ideas, reflect on what service means to them and also have the chance to explore what the framework of learning service can offer them – including tangible goal setting for future engagement. ($250/hour – includes learning service curriculum packet and book)

Teacher Training (1-6 hours): This training is aimed at teachers and administrators involved in service activities, global citizenship, international travel, and teaching global issues in the classroom. We explore some of the current challenges in setting up and framing service and immersion programs, how the landscape is rapidly changing, and how to respond to it, as well as how the concept of “learning service” can help. This training will also look at how students construct ideas about their place in the world and introduce activities that deconstruct this to create openings for powerful and transformative learning. This training can be custom tailored to meet the needs of your school. ($500/hour – includes learning service curriculum packet and book)

Consultancy: Claire also provides bespoke consultancy for schools or individual teachers/departments, in the areas of service and international engagement. Services include: curriculum mapping and development, partner and third party provider audits, strategy development and troubleshooting specific challenges. ($200/hour)

Cambodia: Learning Service (Dec 27-Jan 5): Join Claire in Cambodia on this 10 day experiential intensive for administrators and educators on best practices in international learning service. For more details, click HERE.


For more information, write to the Director of Partnerships, Simon Hart at [email protected].

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